It’s taken a long while to put together, mainly because I wanted to write up my very sketch notes into something approximating what I said, and also because I wanted to experiment with a more representative way of publishing presentations online.

Anyhow, I’m very pleased to share Playing Together: What Games Can Learn From Social Software with you.

It went down pretty well at both NLGD and Develop, and I really enjoyed some of the thinking that went into it. I’m working out what to do about that, obviously, but in the meantime, I thought it deserved a wider audience. Do enjoy, and I’d love to hear your feedback on it.

Just a quick note to say that I’ll be talking at Skillswap Brighton tonight. The talk is a re-work of a talk I gave at LRUG in London a month or two back; it’s called “Settling New Caprica“, and it’s about how to get that pet project off the ground:

Pet projects: everybody’s got them. But how many of them never see the light of day? In this talk, Tom Armitage looks at some of the obstacles that impede such projects, and how to get over them. The talk also considers some ways to streamline the process of releasing software when you’re your own client, and perhaps might give some ideas to improve not only your personal projects, but your work projects as well. There should be plenty enough time for a healthy Q&A session after the initial presentation.

The talk isn’t hugely long – about 30 minutes – but I’m hoping there’ll be some healthy discussion after it, on topics as diverse (to give you an idea of what’s coming) as personal project management, version control, deployment, and building Twitter bots for fun and profit.

Once the talk’s done and dusted, I’ll try and get a copy of it online by this weekend. Many thanks to Nat and James for the invitation to talk!

To cut a long story short: the slides for the talk I gave earlier this week are now available. You can find out more about the talk on the talks page of this site, or you can download the PDF (1.5mb). It should be fairly self-explanatory.

(A brief summary for those of you unable to scroll or click: it’s a client-side-developer’s perspective on Rails, and how to integrate client side development into the build process).

I’m going to be speaking tonight at LRUG. The talk is called “Ruby on Rails from the other side of the tracks“, and it’s about how client-side developers fit into Rails, and how you (as a back-end developer) can work with them rather than against them. If that sounds interesting (or, more to the point, you want to hear Tiest talk about Domain Specific Languages, which should be great), do come along.

A PDF transcript of my Reboot talk is now live. It’s essentially a tidied-up version of the wadge of paper I spoke from, so excuse the conversational tone. Hope you enjoy it.

So, my talk – Telling Stories turned out alright in the end. If you saw it, I hope you liked it. If you’re interested in obtaining a written copy of it – which I have, because I wrote it longhand – then email me. I slightly deviated from the written version, and am not sure I want to put it online directly in its current state – it needs tidying – but I’ll happily send you a PDF.

Reboot8 is over, now. For me, it was awesome. I’ll write a little bit more about it later today or tomorrow. There’s lots to digest, and lots of people to thank. To everyone I met, it was a pleasure; to those I’ve met before, a pleasure to see you again. And thanks for vaguely shepherding me. I get a little lost at these things, you know.

So: more concrete thoughts, a bit of a wrap-up, and a stack of photographs later.