As a Rubyist and Textmate user, you’ll probably be aware that def will tab-expand to stub out a method definition. You might also be aware that, for the purposes of Test::Unit, deft will tab-expand to a test method beginning def test_, allowing you to append the name of your test.

But that’s not much more help, because if we’re naming our tests properly, they’re probably going to have very_long_names, and hitting underscore all those times is a bit of a pain. So I rectified that, with this command (and it’s a command, rather than a snippet, because of all the processing it does). Pull up the commands dialog (Command-Opt-Control-C), create a new command in the Ruby bundle, and give it the following code:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

name =
testname = name.gsub(" ", "_").downcase
print <<OUTPUT
	def test_#{testname}

The command’s Input should be “Selected Text” or “Line”; its Output should be “Insert as Snippet”. The scope should be set to source.ruby. And give it whatever key definition you want; I’ve got it on ctrl-opt-shift-t.

Usage is easy. On a new line in your test file, type the name of your test in plain English with no punctuation, eg:

get to index should list all items

and then hit your shortcut. You’ll get the following out:

def test_get_to_index_should_list_all_items


and your cursor will be slap bang in the middle of the test, indented, ready to write. That’s what I really want from a test definition snippet – something more than deft supplies. It’s another minute or two’s work to make it strip punctuation, so you can convert real sentences to test cases. I just decided to condition myself to save on coding on this morning’s commute.

(I wasted about half an hour on this last night, and am now kicking myself about how simple it was. Given that… definitely worth documenting the problem, so that no-one else gets held up on it.)

I’m currently working on some forum software (before you yawn: it’s not your average forum, it’s not worth the effort forking Beast, and besides, it’s a learning exercise). In this forum, when you create a topic, you also create the first post in the topic at the same time. Here’s how that happens (I don’t think I need to show the form view – the controller will suffice):

@topic = params[:topic].merge(:user => current_user, 
                                :forum => Forum.find(params[:id]))

post =[:post].merge(:user => current_user))

Unfortunately, I was running into all sorts of problems – in that even though the forms were filled out and being passed to the controller, the topic wasn’t being created. This was because the post wasn’t validating. Turns out the problem was that in my post.rb, I’d said that a Post validates_presence_of :topic_id. This validation was clearly being run before the topic was created; given we’re using build to make sure the post is attached to the topic, I don’t think we need that validation. Once I stripped that out, everything worked fine.

A pretty trivial error, I know, but once my tests started failing, I had to take the application apart a little to find out what was going on. In a nutshell: I don’t think you always need to validate relationships that have to exist for the model to make any sense.

Of course, if there’s a way I can keep the validation of topic present but still build the topic/post combination as above… comments are very welcome.

In a recent post about offshoring development work, Ryan Carson explains that the way you know when you’ve outgrown a freelance developer is this:

Getting bugs fixed and new features implemented starts taking fricken’ forever.

There’s some interesting discussion on the post – about eastern-European wage rates, about freelancing, etcetera – but there was one elephant in the room that nobody really mentioned, and I really think it’s necessary. And that’s this:

once your application is live, everything will take longer.

Whilst you’re in the build process, you can turn on a dime; you can commit new code at a moment’s notice, change the direction of the codebase or even the application, churn out features at a remarkable rate. And, when something doesn’t work (despite having passed the test suite… which you do have, right?), you patch it and move on. It’s a doozy.

Once you’re live, everything changes. You’ve got an active audience using the site – you might even have paying customers. You can’t afford for a single thing to go wrong. New features are no longer about build it, run the tests, check it in, deploy. Your testing on the development box has to be more fastidious. The integration between new functionality and the existing needs to be really well thought through. The design needs to be seamless with that which exists already. And, if it goes live and there’s still one of those totally unforseen bugs… you need to be ready to roll back at a moment’s notice, and put the feature on hold until it’s ready.

This is not new. Some teams are lucky enough to make many deploys daily; most can muster up daily fixes; some might go to weekly. But the effort that a feature requires post-launch is far more than it does pre-launch.

So it’s inevitable – freelancers or no – that the pace of development is going to fall off a bit post-launch. Hopefully, only a bit – but it’s not going to be the same rate unless you’re extremely lucky. You’ve also got to keep your users in mind, and break them into new functionality slowly.

It’s a hard transition, going from the development site to live. To you, as an owner, a developer, it feels like the same product – so the change in pace is a bit frustrating. And it’s important to keep the pace as fast as possible. Some fixes are critical, and need to go out the door the instant they’re done; others can wait a little longer – a day or two, if necessary – for release. It’s a rare, focused, hugely talented team that can splurge out new features like a machinegun.

Now, I’m sure that the problem is compounded by avoiding maintenance contracts (and so having to re-contract and re-hire) and having developers whose time is precious. But it’s always important to bear in mind that the latency of any web software development shoots up post-launch. So if it does: don’t immediately reach for the outsource button. Take stock, have some patience, and see what the product needs – how often it needs to be released, how often it needs to be improved. And then you can make that call a little better informed.

The other golden rule, incidentally, is never deploy on Friday. I hope the reasoning behind that is obvious.

0 errors, 0 failures

13 January 2007

I wrote my first proper Unit Tests in Ruby today. It felt good.

That probably sounds slightly gauche and hypocritical coming from a Rails developer. But remember – I’ve come from a front-end background; most of the time, other people make the tests; it’s up to me not to break them. I’m perfectly capable of editing tests to bring them in line with updated functionality; it just tends to have been the case that I’ve never really got my head around testing properly.

That changed recently, mainly thanks to Geoffrey Grosenbach’s excellent Peepcode screencasts. I’ve read a fair amount on testing up to now – Mark Pilgrim’s Dive Into Python is very good on the subject – but it was Geoffrey’s material that really clicked with me. (I’m watching his Capistrano one at the moment, and it’s certainly proving to be as good as the testing one).

I’ve always understood the point – and the utility – of test suites, but I’m pleased to have got my head around writing my own, starting with one (of several) projects on the back burner. Small steps at first, but it’s really satisfying to be working in a relatively test-driven manner.

And so I’ve been enjoying watching the dots fly by before those magic words come up: 0 errors, 0 failures. The Peepcode screencasts come strongly recommended, as well. Here’s to slightly more watertight code from now on.

Time to announce my first published Rails plugin: ie-specific. And, more importantly, time to explain it.

I work as a front-end developer for a large scientific publishing firm. We’re very much committed to standards compliance and accessibility, as such, make every effort to ensure our sites work in as many browsers as possible. And that includes Internet Explorer 5.

Now, prior to IE7, we did this (by and large) by producing standards-compliant stylesheets, and then adding browser hacks where they were the only solution, in order to achieve consistent look/feel in many browsers. Fast forward to IE7, and we’ve now got a problem: many browser hacks (notably * html) no longer work in IE7 and yet it still has its own raft of styling quirks.

So we’ve decided to change the way we implement browser-hacking. On the project I’m currently working on, we now have a main.css which contains all the standards-compliant, “correct” CSS. We then place the IE-specific styles inside IE conditional comments. Each browser version gets a css file of its own where necessary, named for the name of the relevant IE conditional filter – eg, lte-ie-6.css, ie-6.css, lte-ie-5.500, etcetera.

When I started work on the front-end integration for this Rails project, it was clear that this was obviously something that could be automated in Ruby – and, given that we were probably going to use it again, it made sense to package it as a plugin so that the next time I came to need it for a project, a quick script/install would be enough.

Enter ie-specific, currently hosted at Google Code given that a) it’s open-source and b) it’s an easy way to get anonymous public svn.

It’s really simple. First, install the plugin:

script/plugin install

Now, place any IE-specific stylesheets into #{RAILS_ROOT}/public/stylesheets/ie_specific, named with the appropriate conditional filter (eg: lte-ie-6.css). Similarly, you can place IE-specific javascript into #{RAILS_ROOT}/public/javascripts/ie_specific. We use IE-specific Javascript to simulate min/max-width capabilities in Internet Explorer.

Finally, in the <head> of your layout, include the following ERb:

<%= ie_specific_styles_and_scripts %>

Each file in the ie_specific directories will be automatically included inside appropriate conditional comments – CSS files will be imported via an @import directive, and JS files will be appropriately escaped as CDATA (important for us, because we write XHTML 1.0 strict). There’s no unnecessary duplication, either – lte-ie-6.css and lte-ie-6.js will automatically be placed inside the same conditional comment.

That’s it, really – it’s very simple, but it’s also a convenient way to keep markup and styles clean and let other developers know exactly what’s a hack and what’s not. For more info, check out the README. And let me know what you think!

Impending upgrade

10 November 2006

The comment-spam on this site is really getting out of control; it’s never seeing the world outside, but I’ve got about 700 comments in moderation to deal with. Looks like it’s time to upgrade to WordPress 2.0.5 (from 1.5.2).

Of course, that requires fixing plugins that are crucial to this site but no longer in development. And it requires altering the theme. And writing scary scripts to migrate my post_meta table. Which have all now been done.

And, hey, when you’re having to do that much messing around in PHP, you may as well redesign, right?

Upshot of this is: I’m going to upgrade this site at the weekend, so a few things might end up changing a little, and if you notice said changes, you should shout. The old design will probably stick around for a bit, whilst I polish the new (very simple) one off. And then I’ll ram that live too.

At some point after that, my post about “wrestling with wordpress”, written when I started looking into this process a few months back, will see the light of day. I really don’t want to have to mess with it again. It’s very unpleasant…

So, Matt pointed out that when you do things like that, the scores for different Models are all ranked seperately because they’re coming out of different indexes. The trick, obviously, is to use the multi_search method, which generates a multi-model-index, and that’s probably a better approach. This approach is very well documented in the RDoc. So all it shows is: probably should have RTFM. The thing below isn’t by any means bad, it’s just a little like re-inventing the wheel.

Never mind, eh?

(This mail from Jonas is also worth a read on this matter).

If you’re building a Rails applciation with search, chances are you’ve run across acts_as_ferret. And if you haven’t, check it out – it allows any model to be searchable by Ferret, the Ruby port of Lucene. Ferret’s a pretty nifty search engine – reasonably fast, pretty accurate – and it’s nice to be able to use it so simply in your Rails app.

Of course, what makes acts_as_ferret really handy is that it’s neatly designed to perform multi-model searches. Or, rather, the interface to do so is there, you just have to glue the results together. After some rough stumbling about, here’s what I came up with.

Firstly: don’t use find_by_contents, that’s not much use. find_by_contents is a wrapper around find_id_by_contents. find_id_by_contents is useful because it returns you only three things: a relative score, a model name, and a model id. That means you can merge everything into a big list, and then perform individual queries on the relevant models.

So how did I implement this?

My first stab was this (borrowing some real code from what I’m working on):

articles = Article.find_id_by_contents(query)
authors = Author.find_id_by_contents(query)
matches = (articles + authors).sort_by {|match| match[:score] }

This gives you an array of model/score/id hashes, which you can then do lookups on. The problem is it’s not very DRY, and it requires editing every time you make a new model that’s Ferretable. This is my more final solution, which I came up with. This time, I’ll walk you through each step.

First, somewhere like environment.rb, define a constant array:

FERRETABLE_MODELS = %w[Article Author]

That means we can update things at a later date easily. Then, in your search controller action, start with this:

klasses = FERRETABLE_MODELS.collect {|klass| Kernelt.const_get klass}

That should give you an array containing the Article and Author objects – or whatever ActiveRecord objects you’ve chosen in your constant array. Next, let’s get the array that we arrived at last time:

matches = klasses.inject([]) {|out, klass| out << klass.find_id_by_contents(query)}.flatten

Bit more complex, but also more succinct. All this does is iterate over each klass, using an inject method with an empty array passed in, and tells each class to call find_id_by_contents, passing in the query. It then flattens that lot, so that the array is only one-deep. We're now where we were before.

Finally: let's generate an array of the actual objects we referred to, sorted by ranking. I'm going to generate an array of hashes. Each hash has two keys: :object, the actual data object we want; and :score, the rank that ferret assigned it. We get that out like so:

results = matches.collect {|match|
   :score => match[:score], 
   :object => (Kernel.const_get(match[:model]).find(match[:id]))
}.sort_by {|o| o[:score]}.reverse

Again, possibly a bit ugly. :score remains the same; we run find on the appropriate ActiveRecord model, passing in the appropriate id to obtain the :object. Finally, we sort the array by :score and flip it, so that results[0] is the most popular search record. Obviously, you can pass extra parameters into that "find" method.

All that remains is to display that lot in your view, perhaps paginate it, and build a conditional to determine how to display each kind of object.

And that's it. I made a few changes to my dummy code when typing this up, so if something's broken, tell me and I'll fix it. I think that's a more maintainable way of searching across a range of models with ferret, and it takes advantage of some useful Ruby dynamics - finding objects through Kernel.const_get, in particular. That's my Ruby fun for today, then.


My colleague Ben proposes this much tidier (but untested) solution:

results = []

FERRETABLE_MODELS.each  do |klass|
  k = Kernel.const_get klass
  k.find_id_by_contents(query).each do |m|
    results.push {
       :score => m[:score], 
       :object => k.find(match[:id]) 

results = results.sort{ |a,b| b[:score] <=> a[:score] }

I like the nested loop much more - should have thought of that myself - and will admit to being lazy wrt the sort_by and .reverse trick. : Whoops!

23 August 2006

OK, so my links haven’t been showing up here for a few days. That’d be because they finally swapped their API permanently to the new location ( and I didn’t update the magic bit of string (or PHP) that threw each day’s posts into my database.

Stupid Tom.

I’ve now fixed that, and we should be back to normal tonight. In the meantime, there’s some good stuff over in those bookmarks, so do catch up on things you might have missed.

I really should tie this blog together with more than string and sellotape at some point.


13 August 2006

I haven’t rebooted my computer in a long while.

It all happened when I started preparing for ETech, and became irrationally concerned that my elderly Powerbook might never turn on again. So I kept it up constantly, for a few months.

Then I had loads of stuff after that “up”, floating around, and it was taking ages to process. So I didn’t reboot.

Then it was Reboot, and again, I didn’t reboot in case it wouldn’t come back and I lost my work.

I think the paranoia had set in.

Anyhow, GeekTool sits on the bottom of my screen, telling me all about my uptime. I looked just now, and it said

13:24 up 212 days, 3:32, 5 users, load averages: 1.50 1.61 1.35

5 users? Not sure what that’s all about. Anyhow… 212 days is a long while. I think we need a spring clean. Time to restart.