Mac OSX 10.4 still only ships with PHP4, which is fine and all, but I eventually bit the bullet and decided to install PHP5.

The most immediately obvious way to do this is with Marc Liyanage’s excellent installer. I unzipped, installed the .pkg, and rebooted Apache.

Except Apache didn’t want to reboot. Apache refused to start, actually. Looked like a potential crisis!

Fortunately, a few minutes of digging found the solution. Pretty obvious, really:

you can’t load both mod_php4 and mod_php5 Apache modules at the same time.

I had mod_php4 enabled already. By commenting out the lines referring to it, Apache started up just fine, running PHP 5. Crisis averted.

Severe Powerbook problems.

06 December 2005

A very bad night. I’ve recently been blessed with this particular problem: iChat quitting seconds after launch.

Reinstall iChat: no luck.

Reinstall iChat, patch through Software Update to 10.4.3 : no luck.

Run Combo Updater as recommended after reinstalling iChat: no luck.

Only now Mail is broken too; all my messages are there, but there’s no text loading in the panels. I’m loathe to reinstall Mail – I’ve backed up the Mboxes just now, even though the GUI is broken, I’m guessing the data is OK. It’s 3 years of Mail I pretty much can’t bear to lose.

So right now, I have a 12″ Paperweight. I’m really, really low about this; no idea how to fix it, no time to reinstall it for a good couple of days. Terrified. Depressed.

Kenta Cho shmups for OSX

13 October 2005

Webpage detailing ports of Kenta Cho’s shmups (shootemups) to OSX. Noiz2sa and Rrootage had been available for a while, but this ports all of them – Torus Trooper and Tumiki Fighters are good, but Gunboat is probably the standout of those three previously unavailable ones. They work pretty well, and they’re colossal fun. Cho’s shmup games have been available for a while on PC; it’s great to see them all ported to OSX now.

So, my 12″ Powerbook, which is now well over two years old, is beginning to be a little unhappy. So far, it was nothing more than being strained a bit by Tiger (despite 640mb ram) and spluttering a bit because of its lowly graphics card.

But the battery is getting to me. Currently, I get a bit under 2 hours out of it. It drains quite consistently, until around 32%, at which point it immediately leaps to 0%. Bah.

Tonight, though, for the second time in a week, a slightly more disturbing problem has arisen. Namely: no matter how much battery is in the laptop, plugging my external Firewire HD in (Lacie 200gb) promptly zaps the battery life to 0%. Instantly. Zero.

This is not very useful, especially given how much I paid for the drive (just so I could back things up), and I’m a little edgy. The rest of the laptop is working perfectly, and I’m loathe to have to replace it just yet – for financial reasons if for nothing else. But it’s all a little too worrying for comfort. Anyone have any ideas about the Firewire problem?

(And no, I do not have Applecare any more).