11 million player deaths in Just Cause 2 – a big open world game – plotted in 3D; a map of the world made only out of player-deaths.

What happens is: the map becomes visible, but not it’s quite the “real” map. Unstead, you see obvious things like the really tall buildings – skyscrapers – and the really tall sites – mountains – becoming very evident.

Strange things happen underneath tall stuff – under the biggest skyscrapers, and the casino that hangs in the air like an airship – the shape of the object is very clear at the top, but then disappears into fountains and fluid shapes underneath it, as everybody falls off, hits things on the way down, corpses collecting on the ground underneath the airship – see 00:58 for a really obvious example.

So it visualises both the objects in the world, and the physics of the world. Yes, there are surfaces where people have been shot or run out of health for other reasons, but then there are all the points that extruded from those surfaces according to curves defined by velocity and world-gravity. The world and the system all at once. You could, I suppose, reverse-engineer one from the other. And, of course, what you’re seeing here isn’t geography – it’s just the visualisation of a systemic layer in the game (player-death).

And in that sense, the visualisation shows just how closely the world and its systems are linked. Pretty.

3 comments on this entry.

  • Mike Llewellyn | 6 Jun 2011

    Fascinating, great work nicely presented. Never played the game, but I suspect some players looking at that will remember some of their own more notable deaths :)

    Makes me wonder if we could get the same information on different populations in real life. Maybe plots of human deaths by age and location and cause, with controls for filtering. Perhaps that exists already and I just don’t know about it :)

  • Emily | 18 Jun 2011

    Insanely cool.

  • Jack Vermicelli | 20 Jun 2011

    I think I was misled. This must be a map of character death, not player death. I’m not sure whether the misleading description or the real one is more interesting.