So, my talk – Telling Stories turned out alright in the end. If you saw it, I hope you liked it. If you’re interested in obtaining a written copy of it – which I have, because I wrote it longhand – then email me. I slightly deviated from the written version, and am not sure I want to put it online directly in its current state – it needs tidying – but I’ll happily send you a PDF.

Reboot8 is over, now. For me, it was awesome. I’ll write a little bit more about it later today or tomorrow. There’s lots to digest, and lots of people to thank. To everyone I met, it was a pleasure; to those I’ve met before, a pleasure to see you again. And thanks for vaguely shepherding me. I get a little lost at these things, you know.

So: more concrete thoughts, a bit of a wrap-up, and a stack of photographs later.

Reboot 8 so far

01 June 2006

Day 1: I’m having a lot of fun at Reboot 8. That fun’s mainly taking the form of a lot of entertaining mental somersaults.

I’ve already met so many interesting people doing fantastic, tangibly brilliant things, and listened to many fantastic talks. And there’s a wonderful, wonderful balance of technology, art, media, design, all hinged around an axis of thought. It’s really good. I’m definitely coming again next year, I’ve already decided.

Michael Thomsen’s opening was a cracker; Matt’s Making Senses was thought-provoking, revealing, and no less enjoyable than ever. Adam Arvidsson’s General Intellect – or the Renaissance of Karl Marx was utterly captivating – a lecturer with no slides, no notes, and the audience in the palm of his hand for 45 minutes. It also complemented Ulla-Maaria Mutanen’s Crafter Economics very well indeed, and illuminated more of that talk for me.

Ben’sHow to be a Renaissance man” ended the day – and began the night. I have merely one sentence of notes from it, but it was pretty fantastic, and a pep talk that I really needed right now. A pep talk for doing, making, building, and being in the future. I hope I’ll return to the UK energised and excited – and with enough momentum that nothing else will get in my way.

I hope, anyhow. I turned down another beer for the sake of sleep and my talk tomorrow. I’m talking tomorrow, which is moderately nerve-wracking. Hope it goes well.