A quick heads-up to two brief speaking engagments I’ve got coming up on the horizon.

First, I’ll be talking about software to tell stories with at the London Techa Kucha night on 25th July that Steve and Tom are running. That’ll be a radio-edit of the talk I gave at Reboot, more or less.

Then, I’ll be talking at LRUG on August 8th, looking at how as a Rails developer you can work effectively with front-end designers and client-side developers, and how you can keep the integrity of your front-end code at the same level as the back-end.

Come along if you feel like it. And if you found out about these events through the blog, do say hi.

New look last.fm

09 August 2005

last.fm redesigns. It’s lovely – clear, sans-serif, white goodness, with a pleasant deep red as highlight and a beautiful, curvaceous logotype. Plus, the rounded bar-charts on the user home pages kick ass. Love it!