Spring Clean

20 April 2012

I’ve had a new version of my site template kicking around for years now; today, I finally bit the bullet and pushed it love. The main additions are a slightly different talks page, which tries to catalogue everything in some for or other. Some talks have the full text available; others are there as video or PDF. I’m going to keep working on this over time, and try and get some of the more recent ones up.

Similarly, the projects page collates things I’d call projects: stuff I’ve made, with links to code or relevant blogposts where appropriate.

I’ve also moved to a slightly more responsive layout, because I end up using this site for reference from my mobile phone. The whole thing is deployed – and has been for a while now – using my Capistrano for WordPress configuration. It’s 2012, and you shouldn’t be drag-and-dropping in an FTP client if you can help it.

And, finally, I’ve turned comments off. I’m really not convinced of the value of them any more; I enjoyed the days when everybody wrote responses on their own sites. I might re-enable them, but for now, there are no comments. I’m still displaying old comments, and trackbacks and pingbacks will still show up.

That’s it for now, but the whole thing is in a better shape for the future: there’s finer-grained modelling of top-level objects going on, which makes my domain-driven brain much happier. And it’s a bit wider, and the text can breathe some more.

Better write some things to go on here, then.

Quark rebrand

12 September 2005

So whilst everyone’s been talking about the Guardian‘s brand new look, a far less significant relaunch almost slipped under the radar. Fortunately, my work email tells me that Quark have rebranded and redesigned their site. All looks a bit shiny to me; quite like the new “Q” logotype, the site’s pretty enough, but I’m not a fan of the pale grass-green at all. Is the whole lot just too futuristic for the slightly cranky product? We’ll see. The preview of Quark 7 essentially suggests it’s playing serious catchup to Indesign CS2 (at long last).

Rearranging the furniture

01 August 2005

If things look a little odd around these parts, it’s because I’m in the middle of a live re-design. I’ll be going back and forth between the old template and the new whilst I iron things out. So don’t be alarmed…