Given it was last Thursday, I think I’ve had enough time to inwardly digest and ruminate on Blogs in Action. Obviously, I’m coming late to the summary/glowing praise stage of things, but I guess I’ll at least have the benefit of reading everything that’s gone before. (Update: it’s taken me a week to get around to finishing this post. Must try and write faster in future!).

To summarise: Blogs in Action was good, and it has the potential to be great. It also reminded me how bored I am of the word “blog” now, far more so than before. Not sure what else to use – I’ve experimented with b, but found it unwieldy – so “blog” it is (for now).

Continue reading this post…

Refreshed and restored

27 March 2005

Home for the weekend to recharge batteries, relax, and see old friends. Also, time to plough through a bit more of Cloud Atlas (wonderful, it excites me every time I open it) and hack up a bit of PHP (the links to your right). And now, back to London, to the erecting of shelving, and the daily grind.

(I’ll write up Blogs In Action at a later date).

Blogs in Action

24 March 2005

Tired as I am of the B word, I’m going along to Blogs in Action tonight – in part out of curiosity, in part on work-grounds. Looking forward to it, if only to hear perspectives from some more corporate angles than often end up being discussed at these things. Also, there’s the whole moblogging angle – Charlie Shick presenting on Nokia Lifeblog, and lots of UK mobile-network people in the audience listening eagerly. Like I said, could be interesting – do say hello if you see me.

One year

23 March 2005

Just realized: I’ve been in my current job – my first “proper” job, so to speak – a whole year now. As years go, it’s been one of the best – lots of new experiences, new skills, new friends. Plus: I’m still solvent! Time evidently flies when you’re having fun.

Some things are a little broken right now (like, you know, permalinks, etc) because I’ve moved to WordPress. I’m doing my best to fix them as I speak. Slight and mod_rewrite issues, from what I can see…

Fighting the power

27 February 2005

Cory takes the stepladderGosh, what a weekend. Most enjoyable; some great cooking and dozing on Saturday, and then on Sunday, the second London Copyfighters drunken brunch. Amusing, that; nice brunch, great chat, then on to Speaker’s Corner to fight the power. And then, of course, the pub. Lots of fun. More on this when I have a little more time to write about it… and when my few phoots are on flickr.

(And when I’ve fixed the template to handle left-aligned images correctly. Until then, I must always write more words than my image is deep. How irksome).

A while back I was more than a little scathing about WordPress.

Following the release of WordPress 1.5, aka Strayhorn, I feel I need to post further thoughts. For the past couple of days, I’ve been using it quite intensively, and I have this to say:

I’m impressed.

This is the product I wanted. This is complete, finished, even if there is room for improvement. For me, this is one-point-oh.

Little niggles that have been fixed: the ability to edit other’s drafts. Not just fixed, but fixed elegantly, and a useful resource for those of us who run multi-author blogs. New features: theming system. I don’t have an urge to switch themes a lot, but the way themes are designed is very aesthetically pleasing – template for header and footer, template for main index, and then optional ones for various archives, individual pages. Very easy to understand, quite flexible in terms of display.

Plugins are nice; I created a very basic one (perhaps not even necessary, now I’ve dug more around the syntax) that only displays the first three sentence of a post’s content if the_content() is called on the main index. Dead easy: write a regex, write a function, attach it to a filter or hook, and you’ve got a plugin. A little easier to write than MT plugins, I feel, and certainly it encourages more plugins for smaller tasks – it’s much more user-extensible.

The interface is better, too; I like the Dashboard though I’m not sure about “Planet WordPress”. Custom fields are handy. And I rather like the post-by-email function: simple but effective. Also, it has pretty comprehensive comment-moderation and blacklisting built in, though spam is always going to be a problem.

Downsides? A few. The .htaccess it automatically generates, whilst wonderfully functionally, is almost certainly very overlong.

I’m still not convinced by the tagging. Rather than using MT-style tags (which read like pseudo-HTML), WordPress uses PHP functions. The real killer is the way posts are displayed, with The Loop. I’ve used various CMS systems, all with similar “loop” operations, but WordPress has the most unintuitive. For one loop on a simple blog, I guess it’s OK, but multiple loops get really tricky.

But not impossible. I’ve been putting WordPress through the mill, trying to use it as a CMS for a magazine-type site. Bear in mind that it is emphatically blogging software, and not ideally suited for this (unlike MT which is quite a bit more powerful in crucial areas). WordPress has done very well – a bit of hackery and reading-around has led to six different category loops on the front page, indivual post templates, and contextual lists of “more by author of this post” and “more in category of this post”. Not easy, not impossible. I’ll explain how to use multiple loops and contextual archives in future, as I couldn’t find any good advice on it.

What it’s definitely shown to me is that it’s a really capable blogging engine – Infovore would be a doddle under it. If you push it further, you can get a lot out of it. I’m quite happy now to reverse my position on WordPress: 1.5 is a strong product, with some impressive features and a clearer understanding of what the software wants to be. If you don’t quite need the features of Movable Type, are on a budget, and like to hack PHP, WordPress 1.5 is one of the best blogging tools I’ve used. It’s nice to see some improvement in a product. Like I said, this is the real 1.0. It feels finished.

Observer blog

23 February 2005

Oooh, The Observer have got themselves a blog. Pre-release info from its constructor, designer, and (presumably) Perl munger, Ben Hammersley. Most exciting of all: a lot of the code/templates/plugins/etc will all be released under Creative Commons. Cool!

This is not finished

06 February 2005

Nowhere near finished. Certain links don’t work, for a start. But I’m fed up with it sitting around on my hard disk needing tinkering with. It’s exhausting, developing a blog template; the front page is the easiest bit, because then you remember you’ve got to do all the archive pages appropriately, and links pages, and sort the RSS feed… it’s like an iceberg, 90% underwater.

Update: Well, the individual pages now kind-of-work. They work great in Safari and Firefox (and other Gecko-based browsers). However, they suck in IE; certainly, the alignment of the Commetns box is so wrong it hurts. Stupid box models. I’m working on it; until then, please view this in Firefox or whatever. I can’t bear the sight of it in IE.

But hey, it’s a start, and it’s a lot better than the old thing. Visually, I’m pleased with this. Now I’ve just got to finish it off.

And then, with a nice new place to work, I can start writing again.

Problems with

26 January 2005

Oh dear. I’ve been having problems with Not the bookmark manager itself, though; just its daily export to Movable Type.

It exports to the XML-RPC interface built into Movable Type. Which is fine. It finds it, logs in, posts the entry, and logs off. The only problem is I’ve set it up to post to a specific category_id, so posts can appear in their own category… and it refuses to put them into any category. As a result, they appear in the MT system, but not on the site.

Not this site, obviously. Another site.

Anyhow. I’m using MovableType 2.661, with BerkelyDB, and it could be that only interfaces with the XML-RPC interface inMT3+. Or it could be something broken over here. Any ideas? Anyone read this?