The other pressing event on the horizon is a holiday. A much, much needed holiday. Hurrah, etc.

I am off to Wales. Specifically, I’m off to Pembrokeshire, to walk around the coastal path for six days, and then to spend a day recovering in St. David’s (many thanks to Meg for the winning suggestion in the where shall Tom go on holiday? competition). I am going armed with little other than an itinerary, some clothes, a camera, and a big pile of books. I will be very much off-grid.

I’m looking forward to it immensely. I’m going to be walking every day, which will be a bit of an adventure, and consistently in one direction. I hope to write a little more about the how and why of the trip when I get back, but it’s looking pretty good from this end.

Off tomorrow morning; back in a week. Infovore will be a bit silent in the meantime, but normal service will resume shortly.