Last night, I took a look at James Darling‘s Ruminant library for Ruby. It’s a little Ruby library that lets you assembled designs and orders and send them to the Moo API for printing. It’s really nicely designed, but it’s only in the very early stages of development; it only supported creation of Minicards.

For various reasons, I’m looking at creating stickers through the API, and decided that it only seemed right to add sticker support to Ruminant.

As of last night, I’ve done exactly that. This is in part down to the joy that is GitHub. I forked James’ original code, and started work on my own Ruminant fork. I’ve added support for stickers, and have issued a pull request so that hopefully it’ll get merged back into James’ branch.

To install it, you’ll need Hpricot installed (sudo gem install hpricot). Once you’ve done that, you can install it as a gem directly from my Github code. First, add Github to the list of sources rubygems supports:

gem sources -a

and then install my gem:

sudo gem install infovore-ruminant

and follow the instructions in the README.

More to come, along these lines…

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