- Malcolm Gladwell – The Talent Myth — "Are smart people overrated?"
Tagged as: business management gladwell economics hr society toread for:vincennes - pasta and vinegar » Blog Archive » An interview with Adam Greenfield — Nicolas Nova presents his take on the interview.
Tagged as: everyware ubicomp design interview - Interview with Adam Greenfield — First half of the interview at WWMNA.
Tagged as: interview everyware ubicomp design research - Selenium rocks – and you don’t need it | magpiebrain — There is a place for browser drivers (like Selenium or Sahi) and for suites based on browser emulation techniques (such as HTTPUnit or Twill). Knowing which to use and when can result in significant time savings when running your test suites.
Tagged as: for:dotcode http testing html selenium dom application web development - MonsterID [splitbrain.org] — MonsterID is a method to generate a unique monster image based upon a certain identifier (IP address, email address, whatever). It can be used to automatically provide personal avatar images in blog comments or other community services.
Tagged as: identity image library avatar script - Userscripts.org: Flickr – Multi Group Sender — Awesome little greasemonkey script that overrides default send-to-group behaviour, and replaces it with send-to-multiple-groups-at-once.
Tagged as: flickr greasemonkey hack script tool groups - ericappel.net – Project: SmartSetr – SmartSets for Flickr — Remotely-run service to generate smart, daily-updated sets based on metadata. Nifty.
Tagged as: flickr hack sets photography application
JonR | 31 Jan 2007
eek! these link posts look mangled in my RSS reader. (i’m using RSS Bandit)