- OmniNerd – Articles: Processing Credit Cards with Ruby on Rails — This might come in handy at somepoint.
Tagged as: rails ruby rubyonrails ecommerce creditcard paypal processing plugin payment - Server move autopsy (Phil Gyford: Writing) — Phil kept pretty detailed notes on moving hosts. Worth bearing in mind, as I think about doing the same…
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- Malcolm Gladwell – The Talent Myth — "Are smart people overrated?"
Tagged as: business management gladwell economics hr society toread for:vincennes - pasta and vinegar » Blog Archive » An interview with Adam Greenfield — Nicolas Nova presents his take on the interview.
Tagged as: everyware ubicomp design interview - Interview with Adam Greenfield — First half of the interview at WWMNA.
Tagged as: interview everyware ubicomp design research - Selenium rocks – and you don’t need it | magpiebrain — There is a place for browser drivers (like Selenium or Sahi) and for suites based on browser emulation techniques (such as HTTPUnit or Twill). Knowing which to use and when can result in significant time savings when running your test suites.
Tagged as: for:dotcode http testing html selenium dom application web development - MonsterID [splitbrain.org] — MonsterID is a method to generate a unique monster image based upon a certain identifier (IP address, email address, whatever). It can be used to automatically provide personal avatar images in blog comments or other community services.
Tagged as: identity image library avatar script - Userscripts.org: Flickr – Multi Group Sender — Awesome little greasemonkey script that overrides default send-to-group behaviour, and replaces it with send-to-multiple-groups-at-once.
Tagged as: flickr greasemonkey hack script tool groups - ericappel.net – Project: SmartSetr – SmartSets for Flickr — Remotely-run service to generate smart, daily-updated sets based on metadata. Nifty.
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- I Don’t Feel Like It, Why Don’t You // RailsTips.org by John Nunemaker — The "delegate" method: "the User model says I don’t feel like dealing with the inbox method so why don’t you deal with it Action."
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- Research Bulletin Abstract: An API For Durable Affinity — What sort of interface semantics would move computer-human interaction design out of the often awkward, frustrating Proterozoic era we currently inhabit, into a more habitable, lively, human-scaled era for computer-human interfaces?
Tagged as: spimes design blogjects interaction research paper hardware - Representation (17 January 2005, Interconnected) — The quality of a representation that makes it easy to handle, discuss, reshape, pass on: this is how semiotcratic it is.
Tagged as: representation communication - 53 CSS-Techniques You Couldn’t Live Without | Smashing Magazine — Hmn. Some good ones in here – a fair few nasty hacks with Javascript and poor markup liberally smattered around, though. Caveator factor.
Tagged as: css design webdesign webstandards markup reference links - 2007 coachella poster — Blimey. If you’re in the US… that’s one hell of a lineup.
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- meish dot org » Creating a charter for effective Social Media activity within a large organisation — A useful, meaty charter from Meg, with some basis in her real-life efforts. I particularly like focusing effort on "making things real". Things which do not exist in their final medium do not exist yet.
Tagged as: social media development agile projectmanagement corporate - feltron vii — FELTRON SEVEN: Mark Feltron’s Annual Report, a beautiful (and entertaining) piece of information design, in which Felton summarises his past year as a corporate-style annual report.
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- The Semiotcracy — Matt Webb’s notes on "The Semiotcracy". I always misplace this whenever I need to refer to it.
Tagged as: semiotics technology society design network names naming addressing - New World Notes: FIGHTING THE FRONT — "By today, the headquarters of Front National has entirely disappeared from Porcupine; in its place, a tiny casino has sprung up overnight, and is already receiving customers." Second Life _is_ Las Vegas!
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- TATE ETC. issue 9 – The Real Comic Book Heroes —
Tagged as: comics art history - Free Quicksilver user guide ebook – Lifehacker — By all accounts, very good; 89 pages on Quicksilver can't be bad, certainly – better than none.
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- Prototype Javascript Library easing the development of dynamic web applications — Prototype finally has its own website. About bloody time – but it's great to see it being supported so thoroughly.
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- Iconfactory : Software : Twitterrific — Beautiful Twitter client from the Iconfactory.
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