- Research Bulletin Abstract: An API For Durable Affinity — What sort of interface semantics would move computer-human interaction design out of the often awkward, frustrating Proterozoic era we currently inhabit, into a more habitable, lively, human-scaled era for computer-human interfaces?
Tagged as: spimes design blogjects interaction research paper hardware - Representation (17 January 2005, Interconnected) — The quality of a representation that makes it easy to handle, discuss, reshape, pass on: this is how semiotcratic it is.
Tagged as: representation communication - 53 CSS-Techniques You Couldn’t Live Without | Smashing Magazine — Hmn. Some good ones in here – a fair few nasty hacks with Javascript and poor markup liberally smattered around, though. Caveator factor.
Tagged as: css design webdesign webstandards markup reference links - 2007 coachella poster — Blimey. If you’re in the US… that’s one hell of a lineup.
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