- Basic User Authentication in Rails | aidanf.net — I can never have too many authentication crib sheets…
Tagged as: authentication rails ruby programming howto - Pete Lacey’s Weblog :: The S stands for Simple — "I trust that the guys who wrote this have been shot. It’s not even internally consistent. And what’s with all this HTTP GET bindings. I thought GET was undefined."
Tagged as: rest webservices api architecture software - Category:Alcoholic Beverages – Achewiki — Alcoholic Beverages are a major part of the Achewood scene. All of the major characters (save Philippe) are known to indulge in alcohol, and each character’s choice of beverage often serves to reveal a bit about their personality.
Tagged as: achewood comics humour beer alcohol cocktails - Atom 1.0 for WordPress —
Tagged as: atom app wordpress syndication rss feeds blog - Marriage is like a wrestling match… (kottke.org) — Despite the sentiment, the love nelson remains an illegal hold of endearment in our household.
Tagged as: funny love wrestling marriage
New lick of paint
20 November 2006
You might notice a new design and layout for this site flickering on and off for the next few days. I’m just bringing some final tweaks to bear, you see, and ironing out some wretched IE bugs. It’s all part of a way to encourage me to write a bit more. Again.
So for now, please bear with me. The del.icio.us links are now on the righthand side; if you’re really, really interested in them, it’s probably easiest to be subscribed to my feed, where you’ll get everything.