Normal service will be resumed shortly. Been a bit out of the loop recently – a busy, full weekend, preparation for said weekend, trying to get various things sorted with things on and off line, deal with ideas, learn some CSS, look for employment. Should have time to blog and post something interesting (or at least an interesting photo) from Monday. On Tuesday I should be all broadbanded-up, and then webtweaking gets a lot easier.

Still, I have got some new content for you – just go and check out the new Omnivore; it’s a light little number, and it’s by yours truly.

2 comments on this entry.

  • Simon | 27 Oct 2003

    After reading your Omnivore piece, I was reminded of an incident when I was about 6 when I ate a Quaver and it had a hard bit in it, which was quite unexpected and wholly unsettling. I’ve not eaten a packet since, and I’ve never wanted to try because these days my main gripe is that they smell of sick. See also: wotsits.

  • Nina | 27 Oct 2003

    I really like your Omnivore piece, probably because it’s the attitude I wish my own parents had taken. Instead they made me eat spinach. Bleurgh. Also Quavers are nice and smell nice. Ha!