
18 October 2003

Poisoned is, from the looks of things, an utterly kick-ass piece of P2P software for OSX… it uses multiple networks and transparently merges them. Sweet. Now, where’s my broadband…


18 October 2003

Great post from Lance Arthur on experiences of therapy and learning to connect again. Sometimes I really feel I need to connect back to the world; I mean, I’ll talk to anyone given half a chance, but I need to hunt them down and I always speak first. Sometimes I get worried people get pissed off with me calling or IMing them all the time.

But I feel so much better than I did three years ago. I’m connected in so many more ways (though not in the ADSL sense of the word…). And every day, in this living-at-home-limbo, I go for a stroll, or a walk; some kind of perambulatory fresh air. It helps. Every little bit helps.

I’m going through adolescence all over again, but this time I’m paying someone $130 an hour to help me through it. It does sound a lot like adolescence. I always joke I went through it all at the wrong time – I arrived at University at around 14, and am now about 17. I think I’ve got over that idea, but a year and a half ago, it seemed right. You need to go through it once, though a lot of the time it doesn’t happen when you’re 16. Hell, I didn’t have time for it to happen at sixteen. It was all a delayed reaction to the world.

But it pays off, you know. Because I get to play catch up. And boy, is that fun…