18 September 2003

As of tomorrow, I can learn to drive Heavy Goods Vehicles in the UK. I can drink in the United States. And I can have anal sex in Germany.

Tomorrow, the 19th September, I am 21. Which is nice. Sadly, I’m up in London doing work experience and there aren’t many people around to celebrate with, though I’m trying to vainly arrange something at the weekend. My birthday’s always been awkward – at school, it was just after term began and there wasn’t quite time to do anything. At university, it was just before term began and my friends were still scattered around the country. This year I thought I might actually be able to sort something… but I picked up a work experience gig and thus am in the city. So I’m hoping that when I’m 22 I might be free to celebrate it with all the people I want to, rather than having to smear my birthday over several dates like it was rationed. Still, it does mean several opportunities to have fun, and in the end, it is only an arbitrary date on which I decided to come into existence. I’m all for unbirthdays. Like Eeyore.

Finally, tomorrow is also International Talk Like A Pirate Day. Arrrrr!