The slides from my Reboot talk are now up:

The Uncanny Valet (4mb PDF).

Do download! I’ve been asked to put the slides up several times, so have duly obliged. They won’t make much sense if you weren’t at the conference (yet); at some point int he future I’m going to reconstruct what I said from my notes (and those of others), and will put something fuller online. In the meantime, I hope this will do.

Update: and now we’re on Slideshare.

2 comments on this entry.

  • Kim | 1 Jun 2007

    Most excellent title and concept. Rar!

    Can you talk me through it over a pint at some point?


  • Todd | 5 Jun 2007

    Tom, wish I’d have been at Reboot to see the presentation. The slides are a very tempting glimpse at the info you covered. I certainly hope you have the chance to put the additional context online in some form for those of us who missed it.