Unexpected hiatus

01 October 2005

Whoops. Unexpected hiatus in posting, there; first the long posts slipped, then the link-posts, and by the time I wasn’t even posting stuff into delicious it was getting desperate. I forgot how busy September gets. Far too many people I know are born in said month, and coupled with new terms (school, university, parliamentary) and a return to longer issues, everything ground to a halt round here. IKB – the temporary theme, an attempt at something more generic – has also kind-of ground to a halt. But it’s been a fertile testing ground and something approaching a “proper design” should return soon to these pages. I’ve also been more development work, in both PHP and Rails. The latter’s still proving enjoyable; I’m hitting the tricky problems now, which is good, because I used to be getting stuck on the basic problems.

Keep your eyes peeled; there’s bound to be good stuff coming soon.