These all seem pretty good too.
A reasonable list, and sensible solution.
Via Denise. Useful reminders.
That looks like a good overview of flexbox to me.
Darius Kazemi on writing aphorism detection; if nothing, it's a lovely insight into how he thinks about problems, as well as some neat code examples.
OK, this is great: Bret Victor's library for exploring interactive documents. Tidy – thanks to its use of data-attributes – but super-clear. Really nice to have a web-based library, too, and one focused on text. Now thinking about this conceit again.
"Capture screenshots of websites in various resolutions." Oh, that looks awesome. Really, really nice – and CLI-based.
I liked this introduction to D3 that Square give new hires – does a lot to explain the core of what's going on, without disappearing into handwavy magic.
Really nice tutorial on 2D visibility polygons – a series of interactive demos that illustrates a point very well.
Interesting: it's fairly Railsy, but uses lots of what feel like more idiomatic Node/Express conventions (it's built on top of Express). Waterline looks strong, and I like the integration of ACL/Policies. Might be useful for doing something fairly realtime but in an MVC way.
Interesting: it's fairly Railsy, but uses lots of what feel like more idiomatic Node/Express conventions (it's built on top of Express). Waterline looks strong, and I like the integration of ACL/Policies. Might be useful for doing something fairly realtime but in an MVC way.
Hah: I knew there was probably a way of getting iPhone compass data in the browser.
Nice straightforward guide to buliding simple Serial protocols for the Arduino. Jolly good.
"Sheetsee.js is a JavaScript library, or box of goodies, if you will, that makes it easy to use a Google Spreadsheet as the database feeding the tables, charts and maps on a website. Once set up, any changes to the spreadsheet will auto-saved by Google and be live on your site when a visitor refreshes the page." This is good.
"All it takes to get a website going for a repository on GitHub is a branch named gh-pages containing web files. You also don’t need a master branch, you can have a repo with just one branch named gh-pages. Here is what I think is really cool, if you fork a project with just a gh-pages branch, you’re only a commit away from having a live version yourself. If this repo being forked is using sheetsee.js then everyone is a fork, commit and spreadsheet away from having a live website connected to an easy (a familiar spreadsheet UI and no ‘publish’ flow because Google autosaves) to use database that they manage (control permissions, review revision history)." Very smart.
Hosted statistics tool with attractive interface and smart API. Not cheap for its single-tier plan ($99/mo), but looks like it might be worth a poke.
"Rickshaw is a JavaScript toolkit for creating interactive time series graphs." This looks nice.