• "Given a legacy database, sandman not only gives you a REST API, it gives you a beautiful admin page and opens your browser to the admin page. It truly does everything for you." Very nice.
    (tags: database utility )

Quiet around here

05 January 2014

I write here a bit less these days. Mainly, I’m writing weeknotes and doing work over at my professional site.

Work has gone well, this past year. I covered that in yearnotes at the other place. Lots of things to be proud of: art, engineering, design, and even some time off.

We launched Contributoria, the community-backed journalism site I’ve been working on.

I continue to tinker and work away: some hardware for work, making connected objects; some hardware at home, building noisy effects pedals; various bits of software I still haven’t written up, including endless episodes of Friends and a version of me that lives in New York.

No, things are no less strange than normal.

But otherwise, I keep beavering away, writing when there’s a chance, tinkering for a living, and getting on. As such, it’s more links-than-prose here, but that’s OK, I think: trust me when I say it’s for the good reason. I’m hoping to exercise my games-brain again in 2014, and to make some more music, and all manner of things shall be very well.

I thought it was worth checking in, though, because lots of stuff is happening, and it’s all good. Just not always stuff I write about here. Onwards!

  • Oh, that's rather nice: file under another way of making Madeleines. I particularly like the way it illustrates the sentence being built up – that always counters disappointment nicely.
  • "Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year." Not sure I'll even get anything in for Week 1, but worth bearing in mind.
  • "We have to remember though that we as skaters don’t have any right to land or places or spaces. We just use, abuse and leave them. Spots come and go, concrete chips and becomes more or less unskateable, and tricks change and so we skate other things. Skateboarding is about moving on." Jim, very much a skater, on the South Bank Undercroft, and skating's relationship with the temporary.