Fascinating presentation – even in slides-only-form – from Sean Costello of ValhallaDSP, on a history of reverberation.
Beautiful: Brian Crabtree's electronics, Kelli Cain's pottery, Iceland, motion. I don't even mind the juggling. But the sound!
I've read this post a few times, and it's still making me think. Lots of wisdom bound up in it, lots of things to aim for. Well done, Kellan.
I think this is the issue I'm running into; Nginx is a bit of a mystery to me, and this is proving useful.
Loving all Brendan Byrne's work – I knew about his Panoramical controller, but Super Sequence Fighter is charming, and I rather like his simple midi controller PCBs.
CentOS 6.x's default Boost is ancient. Compiling is a pig. These are more recent Boost RPMs for CentOS 6. Yes, please!
Ooh, a good list of books from Geoff Manaugh, which has prompted me into a few Kindle purchases for upcoming holidays.
This seemed pretty sane to me; filed away for reference.
Just beautiful; I really should download the full set.
This is all true and useful.