Excellent description of configuring OBS et al for streaming code/development.
"That demo got the attention of venture capitalists. And when a cool-looking magical thing gets the attention of venture capitalists, discourse tends to spiral out of control." Good, even-handed look at GPT3. It's both impressive and unexciting for me – there are so many underlying issues besides the 'magic', not to mention the relative failure rate, the complexity of any real-world deployment, and as ever, a lack of nuance in a lot of media about discussing text-generation. This lays out some of the points with the latter well.
Open-source e-reader hardware. I particularly love the back of the circuitboard – reminded me of George and Adrian's work on the Museum In A Box pcb.
Lovely writeup of a chonker of a matte painting – the final pullback in Die Hard 2. Love hearing about the very end of the pre-digital matte era.
Always love seeing the state of modern CSS explained clearly, and this is great from Una Kravets. Also: new to me is "clamp", which is a lifesaver…
Curated and ongoing set of links to resources around the topic, from the Serpentine. Will be highly useful for future teaching, although god, my ongoing exhaustion around much of the AI discourse doesn't seem to be dissipating. Most excited to go over some of the interviews an and lectures.
Queerness, masculinity, Icarus, Breughel, Pro Wrestling, David Cage, and fumblecore, wrapped up in a single game, and this marvellous essay by Robert Yang about his latest creation, _Hard Lads_. I love Robert's essays about his own work.
Nice-looking CSS framework; I like that it's at least a little bit semantic, as oppose to the mess that is Tailwind. (For a bunch of what I do, shortcuts like this are handy).
GUI/control panels for Javascript, similar to things I used to use in Processing back when. Linked so I don't forget it in future, when I need it.
Good set of examples; I hate dealing with IAM in all its forms on all platforms.
Aha: a course for people who can program already! Good; Python is my Umpteenth language and I can just about bodge it together, but it'd be nice to know it better. Might hammer at this over some evenings.
"…he doesn’t strike me as someone that Hubertus Bigend would hire. He strikes me as somebody that Hubertus Bigend would trick an opponent or enemy into hiring.”
"Folders is a language where the program is encoded into a directory structure. All files within are ignored, as are the names of the folders. Commands and expressions are encoded by the pattern of folders within folders… Folders is a Windows language. In Windows, folders are entirely free in terms of disk space! For proof, create say 352,449 folders and get properties on it."
Endless, recursive, screaming.