A really nice exploration of what live piano + electronics could be like. I'm not quite sure how I feel about the actual filming: there's a lot of modular on display, which is very analogue and visible, with all its sequencers… but there's also at least one midi controller visible and if it's talking to a computer… is it disingenuous to hide a laptop? Hmn.
Well this looks very good.
Lovely article about Mahjong and its role within one family, and one man's life. Really good games writing. (Also, god, I miss playing Mahjong. I never got quite good enough, and still really want a set… and the the friends necessary to go with it).
Wonderful short fiction from Saxey.
Marcus Fischer plays for Datachoir
24 January 2017
Beautiful live performance from Marcus Fischer, captured by Datachoir (whose other videos I must clearly check out). I particularly enjoyed the way the pinecone bed anchors the piece, and the drone ebows on the miniature zither. Gorgeous; a style and manner I aspire to, but that’s clearly emerged from a lot of careful practice and listening.
"SendMIDI is a multi-platform command-line tool makes it very easy to quickly send MIDI messages to MIDI devices from your computer."
Nice look at Del Casher and the history of wah; music seen through a technological lens.
"Once the programming went wonky on me and Trico refused to jump up to that first waterfall for a solid half hour. But I suspect that any software sufficiently advanced to do what Trico does at some point becomes indistinguishable from a cat." Tim Bray on The Last Guardian
Compare PCB fabrication around the world and get the cheapest for your precise needs. Useful!
Really fast digitalwrites inside Arduino code on Atmel chips.
Somewhat annoying website. But: really impressive new Markdown app – its view/hide source mode is in some ways nicer than Macdown/Mou, and it has detailed support of the Markdown 'spec'. Going to keep trying this whilst it's in beta.
I've loved Alan Warburton's work for a while, but this is superb: a talk, and a film, and it made me laugh and it's really on-point and just this, yes.