Via Matt Sheret; I'd find this preferable to abstract white noise, for sure.
Really enjoyed Jeremy Blake's track here; and gosh, the OP-1 increasingly looks like an interesting instrument.
"The Demo is a music theater work written by composer/performers Mikel Rouse and Ben Neill based on Douglas Engelbart’s historic 1968 demonstration of early computer technology." Wow.
Cracking article on John Chowning, who invented FM synthesis whilst at Stanford, and the long road to it becoming a commercial and creative prospect. Interesting on the relationship of IP to universities, but also fascinating on Chowning himself – a composer and musician, not a mathematician, who developed one of the hardest-to-understand forms of synthesis simply as a way to push the palette of timbres he could compose with. Brilliant.
"The last months I’ve crafted a spoon every day. I aim to reach the goal of 365 spoons later this year." Beautiful. Particularly good when you hold down spacebar and whiz through them all.
This isn't just 'good', 'nice read'; this is pretty vital. It all rings very true and reminds me of the best bits of the best places I worked. It's important for anywhere I work in future.
'I once asked an old friend, through a thick haze of smoke, what he liked most about a cigarette, to which he replied, "It frames a moment."' Will Davies on fine form; this is interesting and thoughtful and not so much about nicotine as it is about ritual.
Nice example of real-world examples of using Pundit, including testing.
Love watching people fix stuff.