Aha, a really good explanation of scaling voltage so that it goes from 0-positive. Which I'm going to need.
Via gilest, an interesting looking self-hosted photo-sharing tool.
Giles is both good at writing and good at blogging. This was good reading after a set of long-distant train journeys for work this week.
"There are so many good stories to tell about relationships with some history. The stakes are higher than the stakes of a first crush; there’s all that context to add meaning to the interactions. The characters are invested in each other. And relationships between older people typically have involve juggling other responsibilities and commitments — jobs, children from previous relationships." Excellent stuff from Emily Short on all the *other* shapes of relationships you can show. (It made make think of two very different films I've seen recently that showed deep, adult, *sibling* relationships, for starters).
Wonderful – graphic design from an unreal 197X. Eurostile agogo!
God, this is horrendous: the awful state of the 'cheap smart home'.
Great interview with Jeremy Greenspan about the new Junior Boys album, and getting back in the saddle. One of my favourite bands, and an pleasantly honest, ordinary perspective.
This is proving to be very useful.
Rather sweet article about the Usborne programming books from Ed. Equal parts nostalgia, bewilderment, and magic.
Lovely interview with Disasterpeace about the procedural soundtrack of Mini Metro.
Saved for specific references to tools.