"He writes reviews of music that doesn’t exist yet and then gets internet strangers to make it." (disclaimer: I am one of those Internet Strangers).
Brilliant, long, meaty interview with Tristan Perich on his electronic music work – albums made as microcontroller code. Weidenbaum asks thoughtful, open questions, and is more than happy to just transcribe Perich's thoughtful answers.
Nice interview with Scanner with some good notes on instrumentiness and also on using the tools that are available.
Filed for future reference: lots of front-end ways of clamping text that aren't just 'use javascript' and webkit-clamp.
Text editor / IDE for ink; really straightforward, and looks lovely.
"Cronenberg shows his humans diving into television sets or self-inserting Betamax tapes; his original screenplay title for Videodrome was Network of Blood. If The Matrix is Descartes, then Videodrome is Haraway and Network of Blood could be a synonym for real life." This sentences is all tingly. I'm looking forward to this.
On limitation and constraint.
How have I only just heard of this? A topic I've thought about a lot before. Must get around to this at some point.
"pv – Pipe Viewer – is a terminal-based tool for monitoring the progress of data through a pipeline. It can be inserted into any normal pipeline between two processes to give a visual indication of how quickly data is passing through, how long it has taken, how near to completion it is, and an estimate of how long it will be until completion." Looks very handy.
"A toolbox for algorithmic remixing, after Echo Nest Remix." Oh, hello. And, wonderful as remix was, the fact this is _local_ feels exciting.
Useful: using pin interrupts on tiny Atmel microcontrollers.