Opensource alternative to Mou, which feels a little neglected – good to know there are alternatives (with richer features, too).
"The lesson games have for design is not really a lesson about games at all. It’s a lesson about play. Play isn’t leisure or distraction or the opposite of work. Nor is it doing whatever you want. Play is the work of working something, of figuring out what it does and determining how to operate it. Like a woodworker works wood. By accepting the constraints of an object like a guitar (or like Tetris), the player can proceed to determine what new acts are possible with that object. The pleasure of play—the thing we call fun—is actually just the discovery of that novel action." Not just this quotation, but all of this article, really. So good. Immaterials, again.
Lovely interview with Sean Hellfritsch on music, sound, and process. Just great – inspiring in the warm, meaningful ways, not the flippant euphoric ones.
Lovely, lovely documentary by Olivia Laing on Arthur Russell.
Lovely documentationn of a live performance by Suzanne Ciani and Kaitlyn Aurelia-Smith.
I've been thinking a lot about pianos and electronics, and this is a nice exploration of the lines I've been thinking along. I think the piano manipulation could be more interesting, but it's certainly in the ballpark of what I'm interested in attempting.
CDM on Buchla – lots of great links and videos, great explanation of why we all care so much.
The Guardian's Buchla obit.
On the real life Firewatchers. Lovely.
This chimed with me, and I enjoyed it – it nails much of why I enjoy the game, why I haven't really enjoyed other survival/crafting games, and I particularly nodded along with its more nuanced take on NMS as a post-colonial artefact.
In absolute agreement with Michael Cook: this is a great article about what procedurally generated sound is like – the answer being, a lot of up-front work on parameters before procedure kicks in; the role of the sound designer being in designing systems and simulations as well as sound (rather than *just* the sound); and most importantly, something that can be explained to a lay audience with truthful language, rather than hyperbole. A good piece of technology journalism.