Marc's list of portable music apps for the end of the year. Filed away.
Zach Lieberman on sketching. Really good – somewhat inspiring to see somebody so fluent in visually thinking in a single platform, but also good to see what Just Chipping Away looks like.
Wonderful new work from Matt Brown. So much going on in here, and such thoughtful development process; I'm envious of Matt's eye, ear, and capabilities. Hope this does well.
Both the feedboxes, and the earlier feedback synth, are delightful. Something really nice going on inside this – the simple physical affordances of microphones becoming a playable part of an instrument.
I really like jq, but this is a great tool for exploring JSON data – and of course, I love products you can explain with a gif.
"I try to write at Disquiet.com every day, and plan to continue to. I often quiet down toward the end of the year, making plans for the one to come. Another year lies ahead, a year of more daily recommendations of online listening, of interviews with musicians, coders, and artists (three categories that exist in combination far more than they did in 1996), and field notes. If you’ve read this far — by which I mean this article, not for two decades — I just want to say thanks. It’s a central pleasure of my life." I too have greatly enjoyed discovering Marc's writing – and the Junto. I might really have to do something about the absence of writing in my life again.
Nice collection of videos on this page about the OMSynth, exploring building out some simple circuits.
Bandcamp's top 20 – and links to the rest of their top 100
How about that, then. Nifty.
Phenomenal: David Cranmer on making the Project Adrift cylinder and recording/playback heads. Totally in awe of his ingenuity, skills, and patience.
David Cranmer's page about Project Adrift. Wonderful.