"From Liverpool 1995, to Nevada 2035, to a PlayStation somewhere near you. Once upon a time, I helped to write the world of WipEout." Nice article from the writer who helped write a lot of the texture and world for Psygnosis' Wipeout. Glad that writing like this is still somewhere, even if it's in the furthest recesses of fansites.
"But these arguments aren't getting us anywhere because the problem isn't the games. The problem is the _play_. When we engage with games, we _play_ with them. We don't read them; we don't attend them; we don't view them in a gallery. We _play_ them. And that's a big problem."
"This has to be the most quick-and-dirty data visualizer out there: I wrote an ascii art plotter script that takes a column of numbers on stdin and throws out a plot on your console." Oh, that's going to come in handy.