“Anything worth writing is worth re-writing. This applies to code as well as prose.”
“This marriage of Classic Russian Literature and the Caped Crusader of Gotham also serves as further proof, if any were needed, that everything is better with Batman.”
“…what they’re actually saying to editors, picture professionals, and photo buyers is, ‘I photograph the same crap everybody else does, in a style indistinguishable from a thousand other guys.'”
“When designers and programmers work with the same materials, they speak the same language. That’s an incredibly helpful way to work together”… and hugely dependent on the people. At best, I try to achieve this with the people I’ve worked with.
“The words defined in this dictionary are the property of the Tech Model Railroad Club of M.I.T. and all rights to use and define these words are strictly reserved.” From 1959.
This plugin saves you time when moving between your browser and Textmate. It adds clickable links to the Rails backtrace when an error occurs, and clickable ‽footnotes‽ to the bottom of each page… [which] open the correct file in Textmate.
“Because the internet needs prophylactics for memetically transmitted diseases.”
When they say “rules”, they mean “of thumb”, but they’re still handy yardsticks to have.