Wonderful paper about the creation and development of Crowther’s “Adventure”, and also the real Colossal Cave in Mammoth, which almost certainly inspired the geography of the game-cave.
“The challenge is to create the openness needed for good ideas to surface, while simultaneously cultivating the feedback and criticism necessary to resolve open issues.” Tell me about it.
What it says on the tin. Delightful. “You’re a piece of work, Charlie Branaski… you try to fly your kite, you play baseball, you drink all night and you’re lousy at all of it.”
Gosu is a 2D game development library for the Ruby and C++ programming languages, available for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux.
Some useful examples for using RSpec with controllers.
pdf-to-html conversion utility, in C.
“…HG Wells, had [this] huge, leisurely ‘here and [now]’ from which to contemplate what might happen. Wells knew exactly where he was and knew he was at the centre of things.’ Wonderful William Gibson quotation.
“He knows nothing and he needs everything explained to him right away, so that exposition becomes this incredible, story-killing burden”.
Stupid U3 software. Storage media should not be autoloading software or using stealth-partitions, and it shouldn’t want Windows to uninstall it. Naughty.
jCodeViewer is a jQuery plugin which allows you to turn any div, textarea or pre tag into a simple Code viewer in an inobtrusive manner.
“making fun of bad punctuation since 2005”.
Long, perhaps overlong, interview with Gillen on Phonogram, but there’s some good stuff in there.
“Nintendo hasn’t truly gone backwards technologically. It has simply innovated in a different way.” Good Forbes piece pulling together the usual threads on what Sony’s really up against.
“This is a game that requires explanation. That statement is already an admission of failure”. A game that simulates the nature of a marriage through abstract, rather than realistic, means.
“For Mac users who want a simpler way to create lists. TaskPaper is a simple to-do list application that helps you stay organized. Unlike competing applications, TaskPaper is based on plain text files which offer you paper-like simplicity and ease of use.
“…everyone’s got a fucking camera in their hand and, I don’t know, is there no sanctity left for live performance with going to a show and seeing it with your own eyes and remembering it?”
Useful tutorial on using Low Pro to make forms accessible.
brothercake does the CSS-redundancy malarkey but as a Firefox extension. Which is definitely more immediate/accesible than my version… but still only handles individual pages. Great to see the idea in so many formats, though.
Impressive (if fixed-width) grid-based CSS framework. Looks natty; I should check it out, I feel.
$99 desktop that has 4gb of internal storage and uses S3 for the rest. Distributed thin-ish clients, much like were promised in the golden age of Java. Etc, etc, etc.
“European settlers found it difficult to accept that a continent as large as Australia could have no great rivers comparable to those of Africa or North and South America.” Beautiful, incorrect, cartography.
Genius little flash game that looks a bit like a side-scrolling collect-em-shmup, but turns out to be something far more irritating and hilarious