- REST Web Services — A new book for O’Reilly by Leonard Richardson and Sam Ruby, which looks fantastic – both in tone and in content. Almost certain to be essential reading when it’s published.
Tagged as: rest webservices roa oreilly book soap - Will Wright’s bibliography (kottke.org) — Jason Kottke brings all manner of Will-Wright-related goodness together in one post. Hence: linky linky.
Tagged as: willwright games technology play social interaction bibliography design - Barcode scanner — Open source barcode scanning for OSX with iSights. Gives me ideas, that does…
Tagged as: barcode scanning opensource osx software
- Inside Aperture — O’Reilly launch an Aperture-specific site. Some great writers, and some good content already. Looking forward to more…
Tagged as: oreilly blog aperture photography
- The Django Book — The Django Book is now in beta, and it’s looking great – the JavaScript annotation system in particular is a delight. I’m really looking forward to seeing this develop.
Tagged as: django python development book framework programming reference - Apple – Aperture – Free Trial — Apple finally release a free trial version of Aperture. Smart move. It could be enough to convince me to buy it…
Tagged as: aperture apple macosx application photography - The "View Source" key — Most interesting – the OLPC has a dedicated view source key – not just for the web, but for everything…
Tagged as: hardware design open opensource education software
Barcleona, now online
02 November 2006

Originally uploaded by Tom Armitage.
So I finally finished processing all my photographs from Barcelona (or, at least, the 1/4 good enough to make it online). They’re available in this photoset at Flickr. Really pleased with many of these, even though they’re not at all popular on Flickr itself. Probably something to do with my inability to join a bazillion groups.
Now, onto the next set of photographs from two months ago that need uploading…
- ThisService — Input: a script in a language of your choice; output: an entry in the Services menu. Neat. Never really used Services too much, but this might convert me…
Tagged as: macosx scripting programming osx - Jeffrey Zeldman Presents : IE7 CSS tweak show and tell — Zeldman asks everybody to show their IE7 hacks and chops. Could well become a useful resource
Tagged as: ie7 standards xhtml hacks bugs browser pos