No big posts today…

30 June 2005

Nothing new today, sorry – I’ve got a few posts in the cupboard but have been busy hacking together My First WordPress Plugin. Don’t get excited. It really is no great shakes, just provides a handy template function that should have been there anyway, but I’m quite pleased I’ve managed to stick to someone else’s standards and write something oh-so-tidy. I’m about halfway through documenting it and preparing all the publicity material. Watch this space…

5 comments on this entry.

  • atomicjam | 1 Jul 2005

    hey tom, settled down after move?

    when you have 5min, a book well worth a read “the zen of css design” by dave shea and molly e.holzschlag. have a link to it on amazon or

    cu round


  • atomicjam | 1 Jul 2005

    ps. YES THE CAPS KEY IS ON THE LEFT SIDE “AND RIGHT” OF THE KEYBOARD! (just bone idleness) hehe

  • Tom | 1 Jul 2005

    Ah, yes, the Zen Garden. Glad you liked it! I read Dave Shea’s Mezzoblue pretty regularly. Now, come to the Web Standards Dark Side. Seriously, though, I wasn’t sure about the book (given I’d seen the Zen Garden itself quite a bit), but had a flick through it last weekend and it’s on my big stack of reference-texts-to-buy list. Really informative, nicely laid out.

    In return, I recommend Dan Cederholm’s “Web Standards Solutions”. It’s also really darn good.

    And yes, well settled after move.

    (Sorry the comments look crap in IE. Look at them in Firefox, and curse IE’s lousy negative-margin implementation).

  • atomicjam | 1 Jul 2005

    cool will look at the book when i get a chance, havnt used ie for a while now and probably wont until ie7 beta (hope ms doesnt screw things up)

  • Tom | 1 Jul 2005

    Of course they’re going to screw it up. They’re “mainly focusing on security features“. I’m putting money on more stupid things involving ActiveX, poor CSS implementation, and crappy-looking tabs…