It’s true

19 June 2004

I’m redesigning. A bit more radically than the change of typefaces you’ve just seen might suggest. I haven’t redesigned for a year, when I produced the first version of infovore. Well, it’s time for a change; there’s lots I want to do, lots I’ve seen I can do, so let’s go.

Words are all we have. I’ve been falling in love with type again recently, and want my site to reflect that. Also, there is some bodged CSS that needs to go. I’m going to have a good long think and a very careful clean-out. For now, I’ve redone the gifs. The layout, code, template, and MT tags will slowly come later. But this is the way I’m going.

Clean. Clear. Still monochrome. I may be some time.

My inbox now has 83 items in it. These are 83 messages that I haven’t given my full attention, perhaps even read at all; some of them have been demanding replies for about a week now. It’s been hectic and whilst I’ve had energy enough to process some information, I just haven’t got around to replying. So: it’s a Saturday afternoon, and getting a bit grey. Perfect time to catch up.

Until more arrive, of course.