I swear that wvs:daily dose of imagery is one of the most beautifully brilliant sites on the web. The photograph linked to, in particular, is beautiful. I’m not a bad photographer, and sometimes the restricted column width of infovore hampers my ability to display good photographs. Something in the back of my brain is saying photolog. That way I can go wider than 420 pixels. Sound like a plan? Or no? (Time to investigate more storage space on the host, methinks).
13 February 2004
Busybusy. Am away for the weekend but will be writing whilst I’m there. Back soon. Life is, essentially good. And, most interestingly: I’ve begun the novel. Peculiarly, things are boding well. Finally, I think if the below is true, then all I can say, is this blog proves the exact converse is also true…
(from gapingvoid)