
09 January 2004

Oh, and I apologise for the cutz0rness of the New Year post. I was just happy, you know… a return to terse form will now ensue.


09 January 2004

Ken and Barbie as Aragorn and Arwen. The word you are looking for, friend, is wrong.


09 January 2004

Poor Matt Webb. His server hard disk died on him, leaving him trying to recover the data he could, and thus we are bereft of Interconnected. He is, however documenting the recovery and keeping a weblog of sorts over at a blogspot site. And on it there’s a marvellous description of the magic to be found in physics classes. It’s a wonderful piece of writing: inspirational and yet clearly by someone clued in to, and geared up by, what they’re writing. Sometimes Webb posts things I barely understand; sometimes he posts things that make me doubt his grip on reality. This, though, is neither; it’s wonderful.

And as I read his writing, I remembered something: I want to write a book. I just have no idea how. (Or where to begin. Or how to construct a story without needing to research every detail to death).