“The Link Age” (Keynote by Tør Nørretranders)

Do we know what it means to be human?

Can human beings simulate human beings?

Emotions are more at the core of what it means to be human – artificial emotions vs artificial intelligence

“laptop” vs. “headtop”

emotions are more efficient than intelligence.

Contrary to economic theory, people are OK at losing money to ensure other people behave in a fair way.

Markets are anonymous. Gifts are personal

Gifting is important in private life and in the scientific community. (and, of course, open source).

The gift economy is about to dominate the market economy

But, of course, the gift economy is based on human relationships – it’s controlled by emotions.

Theodore Roszak: Person/Planet (1979):

The needs of a person are the same as the needs of a planet. If the planet is in crisis, the human will experience that as a personal crisis.

We are not things

Stone Agers in the Fast Lane

[cf the whole “since the eighties, technology just sped up rather than innovating.”]

Dare, care and share.

We do this to gain attention and thus rise in the attention economy.

Sex is the origin of all that is noble.

Civilisation 1.0

Civilisation 2.0

The killer app of the 2.0 age is the link

1964 – Paul Baran at RAND Corp – Distributed network diagram (as opposed to centralized and decentralized)